St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church
121 N. Spring Street, Middletown, PA 17057 (717) 944-4651
Worship with us
Sunday 10:00 AM - Holy Communion
Taped audio Sunday 11:00 AM at
Social Ministry
The Social Ministry Committee’s mission is to lead the congregation’s efforts to address the social, economic, and emotional needs of people both within the congregation and in the community at large.
The committee consists of at least four members of the congregation, including a representative elected by the congregation. It meets monthly, as needed, as well as for special meetings mutually agreeable to the committee members. Those serving also serve on subcommittees such as: Meals on Wheels, Thrift Store, Women of St. Peter’s, Stephen Ministries, Sewing Circle, LWR, Food Pantry, Malaria Campaign, Refugee Resettlement, Frey Village. Efforts, recommendations, and accomplishments are reported to the Congregation Council and at Congregational Meetings.
Responsibilities include (but are not limited to) creating awareness of needs of people in the community and globally, conducting programs that support ELCA and Lower Susquehanna Synod and community campaigns, and developing opportunities for congregational members to offer their time and abilities in social ministry efforts.